Lesson 9 – The Rhythms of Rest

Lesson 9 – The Rhythms of Rest

Who can imagine what the acts of creation — light amid the darkness, oceans brimming with life, birds suddenly taking flight — must have been like? And the supernatural creation of Adam and Eve? We can’t even begin to grasp how God did it. During this week, we will study God’s wonderful invitation to enter into a dynamic rest, again and again, with every seventh day.

Lesson 8 – Free to Rest

Lesson 8 – Free to Rest

This week, we look at two very different examples of healing. In the one, the sufferer was so ill that he could not even come to Jesus on his own. His symptoms were clearly visible to everyone. In the other case, there were no obvious visible symptoms. In both cases, healing came in God’s time and way. As we explore the topic of rest from pain and suffering, we will also contemplate the question that all of us, at some point or another in our Christian walk, have experienced. And what happens when our prayers for healing aren’t answered?

Lesson 7 – Rest, Relationships, and Healing

Lesson 7 – Rest, Relationships, and Healing

This week we will look at forgiveness and what it can do for restless human hearts. Why does Jesus take abuse or neglect of others so personally? Read Matthew 25:41-46. What are some biblical principles that you need to apply to whatever difficult family relationships you are now experiencing?

Lesson 6 – Finding Rest in Family Ties

Lesson 6 – Finding Rest in Family Ties

Family relationships are often complicated and painful, leaving us restless, hurt, and carrying loads of emotional baggage that we, in turn, off-load on others. How can we find God’s rest in this area of our lives? This week we turn to the story of Joseph and his family ties in order to watch God at work bringing healing and emotional rest despite dysfunctional family relationships.

Lesson 5 – Come to Me

Lesson 5 – Come to Me

How can we experience the rest that Jesus is talking about? After all, we live in a world where, after sin, the Lord said to Adam “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread” (Gen. 3:19, NKJV). Thus, we have known what it is like to labor and to be carrying burdens that can seem way too hard to bear, at least by ourselves alone.

Lesson 4 – The Cost of Rest

Lesson 4 – The Cost of Rest

True rest also has a cost. While the spin doctors of the self-help media would like to make us believe that we can determine our own destiny and that rest is just a matter of choice and planning, yet, at least when we consider this honestly, we realize our inability to bring true rest to our hearts. This week we look briefly into the life of the man after God’s own heart to find out how he discovered the true cost of God’s rest.

Lesson 3 – The Roots of Restlessness

Lesson 3 – The Roots of Restlessness

In this week’s study, we want to discover some of the roots of our restlessness. There are many things that can prevent us from finding true rest in Jesus. Some of these are obvious and don’t require much attention. Others may be less obvious to us and, as with the huge aspen organism unseen beneath the ground, we may not always be conscious of the attitudes and actions that separate us from our Savior.

Lesson 2 – Restless and Rebellious

Lesson 2 – Restless and Rebellious

In this week’s study, we look at some examples of strange human restlessness that was brought about, not by impending natural disasters such as earthquakes but, rather, by the basic sinfulness of fallen human beings who were not resting in what Christ offers all who come to Him in faith and obedience.

Lesson 1 – Living in a 24/7 Society

Lesson 1 – Living in a 24/7 Society

Our lives are governed by rush hours, work hours, medical appointments, virtual conversations, shopping, and school functions. Whether we use public transport, ride a small scooter, or steer a minivan to ferry around our families, the drumbeat of constant engagement with the world around us threatens to drown out what’s really important. How do we find rest amid so much hustle and bustle?