NAGSDA Virtual Camp Meeting 2021 | Day 4 | Morning Session

NAGSDA Virtual Camp Meeting 2021 | Day 4 | Morning Session

Day 4 morning session of the ongoing NAGGSDA camp meeting saw Pastor Elisha Akawobsa preaching on " The Shaking". He encouraged members that Jesus is the ultimate source of power, so members need to be filled with the spirit of God. No matter what we go through as Adventist, we can stand during the last day. hen encourage members to make their hope be build on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

NAGSDA Virtual Camp Meeting 2021 | Day 3 | Evening Session

NAGSDA Virtual Camp Meeting 2021 | Day 3 | Evening Session

Day 3 evening session of the NAGSDA camp meeting saw Pastor Joseph Sarkodie talking about 'The Sealing". He admonished that by sealing, God proclaims that we belong to Him; we are His own. he approves and accepts our faith in order that we may grow in Him; and He will help us live authentic lives of love, faith and hope.

Lesson 6 – Finding Rest in Family Ties

Lesson 6 – Finding Rest in Family Ties

Family relationships are often complicated and painful, leaving us restless, hurt, and carrying loads of emotional baggage that we, in turn, off-load on others. How can we find God’s rest in this area of our lives? This week we turn to the story of Joseph and his family ties in order to watch God at work bringing healing and emotional rest despite dysfunctional family relationships.

Lesson 5 – Come to Me

Lesson 5 – Come to Me

How can we experience the rest that Jesus is talking about? After all, we live in a world where, after sin, the Lord said to Adam “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread” (Gen. 3:19, NKJV). Thus, we have known what it is like to labor and to be carrying burdens that can seem way too hard to bear, at least by ourselves alone.