NAGSDA First Triennial Session Held

NAGSDA First Triennial Session Held


The North America Ghanaian Seventh-Day Adventists (NAGSDA), held its first triennial session in Columbus, Ohio from October 24 – 28, 2018. The session brought together over 100 pastors and church elders from over 34 NAGSDA churches to review the role of leadership in promoting and facilitating the proclamation of the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus to all people in North America, with special emphasis on communities and people of Ghanaian origin or nationality.

The president of NAGSDA, pastor Appiah Kubi Kwarteng, in his opening remarks charged the leadership and participants to unite their efforts in leading and preparing church members and the communities around for the soon coming of Jesus Christ. The executive secretary of NAGSDA, Pastor Derrick Adu Asare shared with participants that NAGSDA growth for the past three years has been just 9.4 percent and encouraged church pastors and elders to intensify their outreaching/evangelism efforts. Though church growth has been slow, the NAGSDA treasurer, elder Osei Agyena reported that NAGSDA churches paid a total of $11.8 million in tithe to the North American Division between 2015-2017. The delegates re-elected Pastor Appiah Kubi Kwarteng as President, Pastor Derick Adu Asare as Secretary, and Elder Osei Agyena as treasurer. The session concluded with a consecration service by Dr. Samuel Koranteng Pipim who charged the leaders to live up to their calling as the world church moves to a different phase. Pastor Appiah Kubi Kwarteng thanked delegates for their support in the last three years and asked them to continue to support the elected leaders again in prayers to move NAGSDA to a new level.