Pastor Stephen Brooks Visits DFW Ghanaian SDA Church

Pastor Stephen Brooks Visits DFW Ghanaian SDA Church

“AMEN ALLELUIA” Pastor Stephen Brooks

31 Aug 2021

Key Scripture – Revelation 19:4

And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.  Rev 19:4 KJV

The Amen Alleluia spoken off in Rev 19:4 is song, a song that will be sung in Heaven. There are two significant things about this song. The first is the shortness of the song and the second is the sequence of the song. The shortness of the song, because it is only two words, two verses, and two stanzas: Amen Alleluia. The sequence of the song is significant because we are more accustomed to the sequence being reversed (Alleluia Amen)

More often than not we see our songs of praise and worship end in “alleluia amen” but in this particular song that we will sing someday in Heaven, Amen will come first and Alleluia will come second. Pastor Brooks emphasizes the importance on the intentionality of the sequence of this song, it is a song of the experienced, of a fruit bearing Christian, it is the attitude of the saved. This song is the attributes in the heart of the converted.

You must have an Amen in your life. This song is more than lyrics, it is a song that is lived it out in the lives of the singers. Amen means, so let it be, an affirmative witness. Before a person could be able to sing this song, he or she will have to learn how to say amen to God, they will have to have an amen in their lives. We see an example of an Amen lived out in the life of Mary and Joseph. Mary said behold the handmaiden of the Lord be unto me according to thy word. She said so let it be, amen. She accepted God’s will even when her circumstances were not favorable. Joseph listened to what the angel had to say and accepted to be a father to our savior; He had an Amen in his life.

It is sad that so many church members today have a missing note, and missing refrain in their lives, they pride themselves in their own independence and mindless of God ‘s will. They have become unaccepting and unwilling to have an amen. Pastor Brooks gives us a perfect example and the consequence of not having an Amen in our lives. When we look at the story of Lot, it is noticeable that even though Lot’s wife’s’ body was out of the city, her mind was still there and as a result she disobeyed God’s clear-cut instructions to never look. back. Her disobedience to God had turned her into a pillar of salt.  Many Christians today are like Lot’s wife, who chooses to do their own thing, in their own way. But as a person in Christ, learning to sing Amen Alleluia will lay down selves and pick up Christ.  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for meGalatians 2:20. Ask yourself, do you have an amen in your life?

If you have an amen, sooner or later alleluia is going to come. As much as you must have an amen in your life, you must also have an alleluia in your life. Alleluia means praise ye the Lord, it is all about God receiving the glory and honor and the praise. I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth – Psalms 34:1; Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord‘s name is to be praised Psalms 113:1-3

Your alleluia needs to be more than just good feelings, sing it when you are feeling healthy and when you are feeling sick, when you are rich and when you are poor, when you have friends and when you have no one, when you are happy and when you are sorrowful. In all times you must praise Him in adoration, but you cannot surrender your praise to God unless you surrender yourself to God. Alleluia follows amen, you will shine when all else is lost when there is an Amen Alleluia in all areas of your live. Do you have an Amen in your life?